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    • #6090
      Parzival Academy

      Let Us Bear Witness to Your Fears


      We need to name our fears to tame them. What fears might be in the way of realizing your vision per the Stage 3 Lesson topic, Fear to Faith?

      Share your story of what you might lose, what challenges you fear facing in the process, and what outcomes might bring you anxiety or fear as you consider the changes you need to make to realize your vision.

      Consider the following format to share your fears:

      I might lose…..
      The process might be…..
      A ‘bad’ outcome would mean….

      Share with us with the intention of releasing them, and let us all collectively release these fears and stories so that we can see the light beyond them!

    • #6127
      Odin Esty

      If I sincerely try to bring all my old projects to a close, neatening up my creative areas in the process…


      -I might lose any semblance of order (which is highly, highly unlikely).

      -The process might be very messy (inevitable) and slow (possible).

      -A bad outcome would be that I do not succeed, putting my affairs in a real mess (unlikely).


      Then again…


      -I might sharpen my work ethic, getting better at managing time and cultivating inspiration, and end up with a clean project-slate.

      -The process could be perfectly messy and create an optimal Space for a greater Order to arise out of.

      -A good outcome would be that I could make all the above part of my regular creative process (and more…?).

    • #6129
      James Neph

      When making phone calls I might loose my dignity.

      The process might be calling and misunderstanding the person.

      A “bad” outcome might be not being clear, misunderstanding.


      If I do this, I might gain experience and more time.

      The process might be calling and having a normal conversation.

      A “good” outcome might be using my time effectively and being a good communicator.

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