Young adults are often curious of their elders, “Did you ever wish you ____?”
Too often the answer is, “I wanted to, but _____.”
Too many adults find themselves unhappy in their career, wishing they’d chosen differently, and feeling unable to shift their trajectory in life. Why does our culture keep expecting young adults to rush into their life without a deeper understanding of their gifts and how the world can benefit from them?
In times filled with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA, a term coined by the US military in the late 80s to describe the shift toward more multilateral challenges), young adults moving into the world are questioning the status quo and asking for different options.
What if it were possible for a young adult to explore in depth the questions of “Who am I? What gifts do I bring to this world? How can I meet the world in my own way? How can I make a difference?” Might a deeper exploration of these questions, and embodiment of their answers, generate a future filled with adults proud of their work, and able to joyfully create sustainable solutions to the problems of our times?
The traditional path of graduating high school, heading to college, trade school, work, and/or perhaps grad school as a way of moving into the world is not necessarily what young adults are looking for. The cost of higher education has generated trillions of dollars of debt for both students and parents, and yet so many are unhappy with their lives. Young adults long to know their importance in this world.
Uncertainty, chaos, darkness, reconciling polarities, multidimensionality, diversity, inclusivity…these are all realms of the soul. We could argue that these times are asking us to awaken to the soul, the consciousness soul.
The powerful story of Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, offers a potent metaphor for every young adult on the journey to pierce the veil of the status quo. Parzival enters the world foolish and naive, longing to be like the adventurous knights he encountered, and determined to explore beyond what he’s known. He journeys through multiple trials, lessons and wisdom-cultivating experiences, making mistakes, receiving mentorship, and learning about himself and his place in the world.
Through the story’s teachings, the young reader begins to see the black and white world they’re inheriting, and the importance of finding the middle way through it, in honor of themselves, those around them, and the planet. As high school students move into young adulthood, this question of selfhood becomes even stronger. Parents and educators can support young adults to thrive and have patience in this process of self-discovery and contribution.
With this journey in mind, the Parzival Academy program was designed to support young adults in stepping into the responsibility and uncertainty of the greater world. The journey takes students through a series of four stages that work through both the outer wilderness of life, and the inner wilderness of the personal being. They Discover who they are, Connect to what matters, Envision new possibilities, and learn to Create a meaningful life in alignment with their Soul’s destiny.
Through a unique and flexible gap year program that guides participants toward “becoming” rather than simply “doing,” Parzival is committed to supporting young adults to tap into their gifts, and find practical, honorable applications for them.
Today’s world calls for an “evolutionary knighthood,” one that engages the human being in practices that serve the evolution of humanity and the planet. Adapted from Karl König’s “Knighthood of the 21st Century:”
Evolutionary Knighthood
There is an evolutionary knighthood of today
Whose riders do not ride through the darkness of physical forests,
As of old, but through the forest of darkened minds.
Their armor is built with compassion, empathy and understanding,
And an inner sun makes them radiant.
Out of them shines healing,
Healing that flows from the knowledge of the human being
As a being of love, connected with all of life.
These knights must create inner order, inner justice,
Peace, and conviction in the darkness of our time.
They must learn to lead with love and wisdom.
It’s time for young adults to have options that nourish and support them to thrive in this VUCA world. We encourage high school graduates, and other young adults in college, new to the workforce, or between schooling and vocation to explore possibilities with Parzival Academy.
Our in-person orientation and graduation weeks, combined with a connected and nourishing online, project-based, practical learning experience offers flexibility for many situations.
Join us for our next journey!